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  • Member Feedback Group
    Member Feedback Group


    From time to time, West Cheshire Credit Union will be holding member focus groups. The feedback gathered from these sessions will help us to improve our products and services, and ensures that member’s voices are integral in shaping the future of the credit union.

    Joining our member feed back group will enable you to,

  • Online account balance
    View Your Balance 24/7

    Online Access


  • We cover flintshire
    We Cover Flintshire!

    It is with deep sadness that the news has broken regarding ‘All Flintshire Credit Union’ entering into administration / liquidation on the 25th January 2022.


  • Hospice of the Good Shepherd
    The Hospice of the Good Shepherd is our first chosen charity

    We are delighted to announce that our first ever chosen Charity is one very close to our hearts, The Hospice of the Good Shepherd at Backford.  They provide a haven to support the unique physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of those with a life-limiting illness and their families.   

  • Family Loan Increase
    Our Family Loan Limit is Increasing!

    From the 1st May we are increasing our maximum Family Loan amount up to £800.